28th - Clueless, You.

You know what you do to me?
You always think you have a clue.
But you always forget.
You believe your justification is right.
You think your thought might be useful.
You consider yourself as a lucky one.

Me, No.
You, No.
Us, Yes.

27th - Broga Hill.

Shirley was almost pass out. *phew*

Had a small gathering with primary classmates.
Instead of the boring shopping malls and theme parks, we chose the Broga Hill.
We had a light breakfast or a picnic too~
Fortunately we able to witness the spectacular sunrise right on time at the summit.
Wind speaks, sun shines.

26th - Lawnmower and Violin.

The noise of a lawnmower is incomparable with
the crowing of a violin playing by a beginner(me).

sorry guys.

25th - Bald II.

Is there anyone interested in shaving my hair before 28th?
Give me a call or sms or leave a message here.
I'm looking to someone who willing to do so!
thank you.

24th - Bald.

Over half of Sabah's population is scattered amongst isolated rural areas. We hope to raise RM100,000 to help provide indigenous communities in the interiors of Tuaran and Kota Belud with the gift of education and literacy by equipping a mobile library and learning resource centre.
50 people will shave their hair off on Sunday, 28th of March, 2010
at The Curve, Mutiara Damansara from 2-4pm!

since I'm going bald for the vacation in Kem Princess Haliza
on the same day, 28th of March, as the above event,
join the baldness with me?

P.S : Daddy would like to shave your hair. come to papa.


23rd - Nine.

The director lost control. What is the subject, Guido?
The maestro lost control. Where to begin, Guido?
The author lost control. Who is Guido, Guido?

He is just an appetite.
He'd die if he stop being greedy.
Hopeless. Tattoo himself on his forehead with "idiot".

Go. Win back your wife with your talent.

Guido Contini Luisa Contini Claudia Jenssen
Carla Albanese Lilli La Fleur "Mamma Contini"
Saraghina Stephanie

Daniel Day-Lewis Marion Cotillard Nicole Kidman
Penelope Cruz Judi Dench Sophia Loren
Fergie Kate Hudson

22nd - NS.

Sunday 28 March 2010.
Kem Princess Haliza, Sepang, Selangor.
(Couldn't get any further. at least send me out of Selangor mah!!)

Because of this..
I'll miss the Thomas Cup final live in Bukit Jalil.
I'll miss F1 live in Sepang. (I managed to get VIP pass for free!!)
I'll miss my mum's birthday.
I'll miss Mother's and Father's day.
I'll miss my bed.
I'll miss my toilet bowl with complete accessories.
I'll hurt my back again.

20th - 29th of February

Birthdays "sources from wikipedia.org"

A person born on February 29 may be called a "leapling" or a "leaper". In common years they usually celebrate their birthday on February 28 or March 1.

For legal purposes, legal birthdays depend on how local laws count time intervals. For example, in Taiwan, in common years, the legal birthday of a leapling is February 28, so a Taiwanese leapling born on February 29, 1980, legally reaches 18 years old on February 28, 1998.

In some situations, March 1 is used as the birthday in a non-leap year since it is the day following February 28.

Technically, a leapling will have fewer birthdays than their age in years. This phenomenon is exploited when a person claims to be only a quarter of their actual age, by counting their leap-year birthdays only.

19th - Random Facts

According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction.

It would take 11 Empire State Buildings, stacked one on top of the other, to measure the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point.

The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million.

There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long
(eye hip arm leg ear toe jaw rib lip gum).

A skunk's smell can be detected by a human a mile away.

Henry Ford produced the model T only in black because the black paint available at the time was the fastest to dry.

The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache.

The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.

The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet (9 m).